What is alcohol intolerance, and what are its symptoms?

can you become alcohol intolerant

While there is no way to treat this condition, your healthcare provider can talk with you about ways to reduce the negative effects of alcohol intolerance. In people with alcohol intolerance, a genetic mutation (change) makes ALDH2 less active or inactive. As a result, your body can’t convert acetaldehyde to acetic acid. Acetaldehyde starts to build up in your blood and tissues, causing symptoms.

Alcohol Allergy vs. Alcohol Intolerance

  • Understanding the genetic basis of alcohol intolerance aids in identifying at-risk individuals and developing targeted interventions.
  • Rarely, severe pain after drinking alcohol is a sign of a more serious disorder, such as Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
  • Alcohol intolerance is different to having a ‘low tolerance’ to alcohol.

If you’re allergic to a specific ingredient in certain alcoholic drinks, switching to a different alcoholic drink may be an option. However, it’s important to read ingredient labels very carefully. Unfortunately, the only treatment for alcohol intolerance is avoiding alcohol. No drug will help you avoid the symptoms of alcohol intolerance or lessen your cancer risk.

Alcohol Intolerance: What It Is, and How To Prevent It

An allergic reaction might not occur the first time a person encounters an allergen. However, they can come on suddenly, and a person could develop an alcohol allergy at any point in their life. Symptoms are more likely to be a reaction to the ingredients in a drink, or the alcohol causing other types of allergies to worsen.

Your Guide to Alcohol Intolerance

And if you have any sort of allergies, frequent alcohol consumption can worsen your symptoms. It is important to distinguish between alcohol allergy and alcohol intolerance, as the two terms are often mistakenly used interchangeably. Alcohol allergy is an immune system response to certain ingredients in alcoholic beverages, not to alcohol intolerance the alcohol itself.


  • “Alcohol and sulphites tend to evaporate away during cooking, so the potential for intolerances is certainly reduced,” Dr Watts says.
  • This allows toxins to build up, resulting in facial flushing and other alcohol intolerance symptoms.
  • Alcohol can cause a great level of discomfort if someone drinks it without being aware they have alcohol intolerance.

A person may experience sickness after drinking alcohol due to an intolerance or sensitivity to an ingredient. It may also be a sign of a hangover or result of a lack of water or sleep. Alcohol intolerance is a condition where someone reacts negatively to alcohol and is caused by the way their body metabolizes (or breaks down) alcohol. Unlike the expected effects of alcohol that most people experience, those with alcohol intolerance may face immediate and uncomfortable symptoms even after consuming small amounts. Instead, you should seek help from an immunologist at a specialist allergy clinic. There, they will perform a skin prick test, during which a drop of alcohol is applied to the surface of your skin before being pricked with a fine needle and observed for a potential reaction.

can you become alcohol intolerant

The most common cause is starting a new medication that inhibits the enzymes needed to metabolize alcohol, leading to new intolerance symptoms. Metronidazole (Flagyl) and disulfiram (Antabuse) are the most common medications that cause this. If you experience severe symptoms of alcohol allergy or intolerance it is important you limit or abstain from alcohol while you seek a diagnosis from your GP or allergy specialist. In severe reactions or if symptoms persist, seeking medical attention is crucial.

can you become alcohol intolerant

In some cases, sudden onset alcohol intolerance is triggered by the presence of a new disease. This is common in the case of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, where those with this condition will feel pain after drinking. This is due to enlargement of the lymph nodes, resulting in swelling and pressure placed on the nerves. Sudden onset alcohol intolerance is when an alcohol intolerance that was not present from birth occurs abruptly later on in life. Most people with ALDH2 deficiency will notice some effects from the first time they take a drink, but there’s often no known reason as to why an alcohol intolerance develops.

can you become alcohol intolerant

Pepcid is a histamine-2 (H2) blocker that can reduce symptoms of alcohol intolerance like flushing, allowing people to drink more before their reaction forces them to stop. True alcohol allergy (versus an allergic reaction to ingredients in alcoholic drinks) is very rare. If an allergy to a certain ingredient in alcoholic drinks is suspected, an elimination diet may be recommended.

Some types of sulfites might also trigger an asthmatic attack if you have asthma. Over time, a person’s tolerance may also change due to changes in metabolism, body mass, and bodily functions as they age. Alcohol intolerances are usually genetic but may also occur without a known cause. This involves limiting consumption to two drinks or fewer per day for males or one drink or fewer per day for females.

Can alcohol intolerance develop suddenly?

Alcohol intolerance happens when the body cannot properly break down alcohol. Alcohol allergy happens when the immune system mistakenly identifies alcohol as a threat and launches an attack that can affect the entire body. By intentionally starting with cheese, yogurt and kefir — and using other lactose-friendly tips to enjoy your favorite dairy foods  — you can improve your lactose tolerance.

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